Sunday, May 23, 2010

Composing Session: May 23, 2010

Today I completed the sketch for the final movement of Night Sky.  This movement ended up being simplistic in form: A B A with a brief seven-measure (actually six measure plus one beat) coda.  I have intentionally tried to keep the texture of this movement fairly thin.  This, for me, is a by product of the faster tempo in which I have set this movement.

Since what I have finished is a sketch I may decide to add more layers as I orchestrate the piece.  As I composed this movement I had intended to feature the percussion.  This is why the percussion is more prominent.  I also felt as if the piece and the kids playing it would benefit from something that has more of a drive to it.

Now that this movement has been sketched out I am turing my attention to the second movement: Unidentified.  I have already sketched an idea for the opening melody.  I will work with it, try to develop it and see where this theme takes me.  My hope is to sketch this movement while on vacation so that I can focus my energy on orchestrating the piece.

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