Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Composing Session: November 2, 2010

At first I was not really sure if I was going to have the time or ambition to compose.  Since it was election day nothing I usually watch was going to be on TV so I planned on doing some composing.  However, there are times in which those plans can easily change.  Yesterday was almost a case in point.  I was indifferent about composing.  For fun I was messing around on my keyboard and I started to develop some melodic material.  I went ahead and notated it.  As it turned out this material ended up becoming what I had in mind for the opening of the second section of Time in Memoriam.  I orchestrated it using upper woodwinds and glockenspiel.  I still need to fill out some of the voices and add some counterpoint to the fifth through eighth measures of this section.

I also spent some time last night inputting the original harmonies and counterpoint to the melody I have taken from Fate of the Future.  Right now I have approximately four minutes and forty-five seconds of music composed for Time in Memoriam.  I am getting excited as this piece is starting to take shape.  I still need to compose probably around two more minutes of music before I can connect the beginning to the B section I have already started to sketch.

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