Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Put on hold

This is my first posting in over a month.  This is also my first posting this year.  I have not been neglecting this blog or my composing.  There have been a series of events which have led me to take an unexpected break from composing.  First of all, the holidays.  During the holiday season i find it hard to make time to compose.  Like many of you the holidays are a busy time, so I had to put some things on hold.  Just after the first of the year, I was asked to work overnight shifts for two weeks to help a store, within the company I work, remodel their linens department.  Any time I work overnight shifts, I find it difficult to do more than sleep, work and try to wake up; especially when my 20 minute commute turns into an hour commute.  Well, the overnight shifts have ended and I have returned to a so-called normal work schedule.  After a week or two of playing catch up with my obligations I am now able to return to composing.  Starting this week I will resume my regular updates and it is my hope to finish my flute quintet by the end of March.

1 comment:

Brian said...

I realized today that I erroneously referred to this piece as a quintet and not quartet at the end of this post. I guess that's what I get for not proof reading carefully.