Monday, April 27, 2009

My next project

After a couple of weeks off and plenty of debate I have decided what my next composition will be.  I am going to compose a piece for brass quintet.  About 2 years ago I sketched a couple of thematic ideas that I had for brass instruments.  I liked these fragments and ideas, but I never took the time to compose the piece.

I have some notes about the piece/sketches that I need to revisit.  As I begin fleshing out these sketches I will need to decide more of the parameters of the piece.  For example, will it be a single-movement or a multi-movement piece?  Will I try to stretch the boundaries of brass writing or will I keep it more traditional/conventional?  Many questions will have to wait to be answered until I start writing the piece.  I need to see how I develop these ideas and move in a direction that makes sense for the piece.

Unlike my previous piece, Shadows of Dreams, I do not have a group lined up that is interested in reading and performing the piece.  I do have a couple of leads, but nothing concrete.  No matter what, when it is completed it will be an easy piece to shop around as there are many brass quintets.  I am sure I can find someone to perform this piece.

This is a piece that I have been wanting to write for a while now.  I figured that now is the time to write it.   

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