Friday, October 9, 2009

Enhancing the texture

This week I have been looking at the accompaniment for I Dream'd in a Dream.  For the most part the draft consisted of parallel octaves in both the left and right hands.  While this creates the simple harmonic language I am striving for, it feels a bit empty, almost too simple.  I have spent quite a bit of time at my keyboard playing the different passages adding different tones trying to find pitches to complement the harmonic language.  I am finding that all it takes is one or two pitches here and there to give the accompaniment that little something extra.

In addition I have taken another look at the melody of the first two lines of the text.  In this case I feel that there is too much space between the phrases.  With a relatively stagnant and repetitive accompaniment the melody needs to flow and move just a little bit quicker.  I have take out some rests and changed some durations to create the consistent flow it needs.

I am happier with the revisions I have made.  My hope is to wrap up the sketch for this song this weekend and return to working on Mutability by next week.

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