Friday, January 21, 2011

Finding Opportunities

Over the past week I have had a couple of potential performance opportunities come my way.  The first was almost completely random.  A bass trombonist in the U.K. contacted me asking for copies of my bass trombone pieces.  Of course I am always happy to oblige.  Any opportunity to get my music into someone else's hands I will gladly take.

The other opportunity I found while on Facebook.  An instructor at my undergrad school was looking for piece that fits a subset of the instrumentation of the ensemble he conducts.  After looking through my catalogue I found a couple of pieces that could work.  I contacted him to see if he was interested.  He agreed to take a look at them.  We will see if he is able to program one or both of these pieces.

It is funny to me how these opportunities seem to bunch themselves together.  Last year I had only one performance.  I spent most of my time working on pieces for performance this year.  Now maybe something will pan out with these opportunities.

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