Monday, November 16, 2009

Listening Focus

As I mentioned in a previous listening journal I have shifted my focus of listening more towards orchestral music... at least for a while.  I did this in part for no other reason than to give myself some parameters in choosing what to listen to.  I have also decided that I need to include more pre-20th century music in my listening repertoire.  I have noticed that the majority of my listening tends towards contemporary music.  I have nothing against pre-20th century music.  I enjoy listening to Bach, Mozart, Beethoven and their contemporaries.  I just do not think about those composers when it comes time to listen to something.

Now I will be making more of a conscious effort to include the music of these eras in my listening.  I will say that this decision does stem from my listening to the Beethoven Symphonies.  I started to listen to these symphonies again on a whim when I decided to focus more on orchestral music.  I have been enjoying them, especially the 1st and 2nd symphonies since I am less familiar with them.

I do believe that it will be more beneficial for me to include pre-20th century music in my listening.  After all, these are the pieces that early-20th century composers had to listen to.

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