Saturday, June 11, 2011

Working towards my goal

Today I feel like I have accomplished a lot.  I completed the first section and at least two-thirds of the middle section.  As it stands the piece is almost four minutes long.  My goal for this piece is about six to seven minutes, so I am well on my way to the goal.

The one issue I keep thinking about while working on Flit is the number of movements.  There will be three distinct sections in this piece.  I keep wondering if I should make this a three movement piece.  There are two fundamental reasons as to why I am leaning towards keeping Flit as a single movement piece.  The first is because that is what I want.  The other reason is that some of the thematic and rhythmic material of the first section will return.  To me this will tie the piece together making it more logical to keep it as a single movement form.

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