Friday, October 1, 2010

Making Progress on the Fourth Movement

Yesterday I was able to spend some time on the fourth movement of Trackings No. 2.  I started by completing the piano melody in measures twenty five to thirty two.  As I may have mentioned in a previous post the challenge in completing this movement is going to be the transition.  The trickiest part of it was coming out of the transition into the return of the A section.  The cello and bass part that had previously been sketched was transposed for a couple of measures at the recap.  I wanted to compose a piano part that was not just a transposition of the beginning.  I think I found something that works.  The problem now becomes the fact that it is new material and I may need to look at including similar material somewhere else in the movement.

The main thing that is left to do is to compose the ending.  I have a couple of ideas as to how to end this movement.  I need to decide if I want to end big, or small, but abrupt.  I will be playing with both ideas tomorrow when I have some time.

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