Monday, July 26, 2010

Stress can be a great demotivator

Stress.  In certain situations it can push greatness to the top.  It can even allow the unexpected to happen.  At this point in my life stress is demotivating me.  There are different types of stress.  There is stress from the pressure of deadlines.  Stress from being overwhelmed by work or projects.  In my case the stress is coming from a more personal level.  For the past week my cat, Fozzie, has been sick.  We have taken him to the vet, but they are unable to give us an exact diagnosis.  The possibilities range from an infection of some sort to a terminal illness that preys on the cat's immune system.  Of course the latter stresses me and my wife to no end.  Last we we gave him an antibiotic the vet prescribed.  It seemed to help, but not completely.  This week the vet has prescribed a stronger antibiotic.  We pray that this will help.

The stress from all of this has depressed me some and has made me unmotivated to compose.  I am going to dedicate time to composing this week so that my life does not get consumed with this stress.  Also, by doing so I will be able to stay on top of my projects and not fall too far behind.

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